April began with a fun day at the museum. For a while I had been seeing ads for the Discovery Gateway Childrens' Museum and thought that it might be fun to go. So we decided that it was time to check it out. From the minute you walk in the door, there are hands on exhibits. The girls absolutely loved it! They climbed around the jungle gym, sent balls around the room with air filled pipes, built cars, buildings, and river paths, and “flew” a helicopter. They were showing us all the things they were discovering and running from one thing to another. Then on the way home, they fell asleep. It was definitely a fun day.
The next couple of days were filled with General Conference where we heard many messages from our church leaders. It was a little harder to hear this time around with two 8 month olds, but we managed.
A couple of weeks later, we celebrated Aijah's 3rd birthday. Man, they sure are growing fast! She loved having her cupcakes and went for it by diving in face first. We just laughed and let her enjoy her fun.
We ended the last of April enjoying our anniversary. Thanks to Ryan's dad and sister, we were able to leave the kids and go bowling and out to dinner. We enjoyed a meal at Applebees and then played for a couple of games. I ended up winning in the end which made it more fun as it had been a while since I had even bowled and I was a bit rusty. We ended the evening at Home Depot looking at parts for our gutters. Although in the end we didn't pick any up, we at least got an idea of what we wanted them to look like.
In May, the first major activity was a “meet the teacher”. As Enna will be turning 5 this year, we registered her for kindergarten. Although we don't know who her actual teacher will be yet, this was an activity to get them in the room and see what is there, and to get an idea of what they should be able to do in advance of school. Although she was shy at first, she got into the act of calling out answers that the teachers were asking I think that she'll be OK come August.
A little later that week, we went for a family dentist appointment. We had a little bit of coordination fun so that we could make sure there was a parent with the kids that were in the chair. Especially as it was Aijah's first time. The nurses were all really shocked at how well that both of the girls behaved. They opened their mouths without much complaint and sat stock still as their teeth were cleaned. Personally, I think the main reason was because they were terrified of being there, so they wanted to get through it as quickly as possible. As a mom, I'll take what I can get. :)
To end the week, we had the fun of going over to my sister's house for dinner and s'mores. Ryan decided it would be fun to watch our 9-month-old twins enjoy them as well. So he roasted a couple of marshmallows and gave them to the twins. They were automatically in love with them and immediately got all sticky. Although Dallin didn't seem to like the feeling of the melted marshmallow on his fingers, he definitely enjoyed the taste. They got to make a huge mess as well.
To round out the month, we went to a Cub Scout summer kick off. While there, the girls discovered the fun of water bottle rockets. Aijah couldn't get enough of them! When we finally decided we were done and it was time to head home, Aijah was soaked; but smiling from ear to ear.
Summer and June came in full swing and it was pretty hot, but that didn't stop us from doing fun stuff. We spent the first part of the month at the Tracy Aviary. We watched the bird show, played in the water and sand, and hunted for the “mingos” (flamingos). They were very excited when we finally found the flamingos. Constant streams of “they're pink!” and “watch them go!” made a good ending to the day. However, on the way out we had fun of seeing a peacock with its feathers all fanned out. The girls liked seeing all the colors on its feathers.
As Emily was now expecting a new baby (a boy this time) we had a baby “sprinkle” for her. Although not a lot of people were able make it, we had a fun time having chat time. The twins had fun experimentally crawling. They didn't get very far yet, but they were making some progress on figuring out the process of movement.
The last thing of the month was the fun that Enna had with Ryan as he took her for a 1-on-1 to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Although Ryan thought that the other museum we had taken them to had more fun things to do, Enna still found lots of fun things to do. Apparently, she got extremely wet as one of the displays was a water track where the kids could direct how the water got from point A to point B. She also got to climb, build, and toss things. So she definitely got to have some fun with dad.
Well that does it for the start of summer. See you next time with the Blackburner!