McDonough, GA - Michael Beach
April 28, 2018
Family gathered to support Aiden Amrine, and to witness this important event. The ordinances of baptism and confirmation mark Aiden’s official membership in the Stockbridge Georgia Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More specifically these ordinances represent Aiden entering into a covenant with Heavenly Father that has eternal impact. The ordinances were performed by Aiden’s father, David Amrine.
Aiden has been excited for weeks as he prepared for the event, as were his parents David and Kyra Amrine. They were joined at the baptism by both sets of grandparents. Louise and James Amrine made the trek to Georgia from their home in Morgantown, WV, while Michelle and Michael Beach arrived from Stafford, VA. As the first of the Amrine children, Aiden has set a wonderful example for his younger siblings as he took this first steps along the covenant path.
The rest of the day was filled with fun enjoying the perfect weather with outdoor activities. T-ball, water gun fights and evening fireworks rounded out the day.