January 1, 2018
The Beach Haven Press has changed to a more interactive online format. The intent is to give readers more dynamic content and a more attractive look and feel. Updates to specific portions of the BHP will update at different times as content is made available by authors in stead of the traditional quarterly.
Over the 23 years of publication, distribution format has changed a number of times. The early editions were literally printed and mailed through the USPS (snail mail). That was because it was long enough ago that very few family members had any sort of web presence. The publication later transitioned to pdf file format, and was distributed using both the USPS and email for those who had gone that way. Eventually there were few-to-none who could not receive the email version so the hard copy option was dropped.
The next transition was the founding of the website http://bhaven.org (bhaven is short for Beach Haven). That site continues and you are reading this from it's latest incarnation. The email option was eventually dropped and pdf editions were simply posted on the website. There have been several iterations of the site as well.
Members of the family have additional web presence these days. In particular, many interact through social media. Despite this, the decision was made to keep the website and newsletter going to have a set location as social media trends come and go.
The final posted pdf version is Volume XXIII, Section IV dated 31 December 2017. An archive of old editions will be available on the new BHP site. The assumption is that readers may occasionally want to reminisce and access old content. The rising generation of readers may find some fun in reading what their parents wrote while they were young. That was one of the original long-term goals of the publication.