More paper sales accounted for. She and Dad did some shopping for furniture and chainsaw parts. They both got a raise that week at work. In her typical numerical way she listed hers as 37 cents per hour or 5%, and Dad’s as 53 cents per hour or 4.8%.
This week she took Lisa to the hospital so the doctors could induce labor. After several days of inducement nothing happened. Mom gave up and went home on Sunday. Lisa had some blood clots pass, but nothing more that week. While staying at Lisa’s apartment, Mom mentioned a troubling experience. Here’s how she wrote it. “Woke up 6:00am. Went to bathroom. Sounded like someone threw someone up against wall in other (empty) side of house and then someone running down steps. Scared. Went downstairs and got knife and stood by front door for two hours. It got daylight and I felt better. Cleaned up and went to the hospital.”
Mom was worried that she hadn’t gotten a letter from me on my mission for about a month. That’s how it goes with international snail mail. As when she mentioned this in earlier weeks, I was sending a letter every week without fail.