Uncle Dick,
Best of luck to a real nice uncle. Always remember our fishing trips and the fun we had together, but most of all remember "Me".
Your Niece
Thought you might enjoy this picture we found. Mom wrote a note on the back which says the below. Given it ends with the year '59, she would have been about 18 in this picture. For all of us who have been the recipient of her thoughtfulness, it's clear by the note it has been a part of her character all along.
Uncle Dick, Best of luck to a real nice uncle. Always remember our fishing trips and the fun we had together, but most of all remember "Me". Paulene Your Niece "59"
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Week of 21 March 1983
Lisa’s recent arrival while expecting her first child prompted Mom to note how she seemed more responsible and grown up. Lisa did most of the cooking that week freeing Mom up for other things. They had some snow storms. Dad was feeling sick most of the week, but still went into work every day on the graveyard shift. One of her neighbors, Ilene Reeder, was reported missing on that Saturday. Mom and Dan joined other church members on the search party. Lisa stayed back, cleaned the house, and watched Crystal. The search included the Utah State University campus and nearby canyon. They had no luck during the day, but Mom noted at 10:30pm that evening Ilene had been found on campus. The next day they learned at church that Ilene had been under a lot of pressure. She thought she was failing a class, and her boyfriend asked her to marry him. She went to an institute class and found they had cancelled it and she didn’t know. Apparently it all triggered a stupor. She went into an upper room in the Institute building and sat there for two and a half days. Saturday night she began to come out of it and walked back to the dorm. It seems she thought it was still Thursday. Thankfully her family was able to get her some professional help. Week of 14 March 1983
Mom went for a mammogram because of a lump she found. Separately found out she needs a piece of bone removed from her foot. She made 4 or 5 cakes this week. She didn’t say what they were for. I swear some weeks reading Mom’s righting seems like a show from the Food Network. She describes baking, making icing, decorating, taking them to some event, assembling them onsite, and then watching for reaction of the recipients. As usual there were a slew of chores. She, Dad and Crystal were all sick a few days that week. She notes writing letters to a number of family and friends. Then on Sunday, she picked Lisa up at the bus depot. Lisa came home after a short stay at her in-laws, then grandparents in Pennsylvania. Although Lisa made the cross country trip alright, her two bags did not show up with her. |
The Perils of PaulenePaulene BeachMother, grandmother, great-grandmother, active in family history and temple work. Archives
February 2025