I bound the time frame this way because Mom entered an undated post that starts “I’m so far behind – see if I can catch up!” Despite feeling ‘so far behind’ immediately following this entry is a normal one dated 15 April.
In this undated section she talks about an exchange student living with them for a month. His name was Hans Becker and was from Germany. Dan and I took him skiing. We also treated him to a dip at Crystal Hot Springs. Dan spent some time with Hans at a BYU language fair. He was also treated to a trip ice skating. Mom notes how he had never done any of these things before.
Jessica had two teeth come up on the bottom gum. Dad spent time with the Stake President in preparation for being rebaptized into the church. They finished painting in Crystal’s bedroom. On the 15th of April she mentions my then future wife, Michelle Thorsted, for the first time. We took Hans to visit our friends who have a large farm and ranch in Montpelier, Idaho so Hans could do some horse riding (another first for him). She noted that Michelle came along. That Sunday we had a large group for supper. Aside from the core family and Hans, Lisa and Jessica joined us as did Michelle. We played Tripoli that evening.