Review by Michael Beach
Elder Uchtdorf has become famous for finding ways to relate gospel topics in his sermons, with his experiences as a military and commercial airline pilot. This work is a compilation of many of those analogies from his public addresses. These stories feel like fulfillment of the plea to liken the scriptures unto ourselves. The author obviously learns from, and teaches through, real life experience.
I’m not a pilot, but I tend to learn in a similar way as Elder Uchtdorf. Reading, thinking, and hearing all help to plant ideas and attitudes in my head and heart. Until I anchor those ideas and attitudes through direct personal experience they remain just that, ideas. Real life experience makes the ideas sprout and grow to become part of me. They become mine.
Jesus taught in a similar way through proverb, allegory, and parable. He often linked his doctrine with personal stories. Unlike Elder Uchtdorf, the Savior didn’t always use stories directly from his own life or the life of others, but they were every-day examples people could relate to and still can. Jesus did point to real-life examples, often in a negative sense when he rebuked ruling priests, or money-changers in the temple. He usually quoted scripture in the process, as does Elder Uchtdorf.