Crystal had several ball games in this early summer time frame. So far whenever Mom mentions a game they seem to come out on the losing end, but with fun times nonetheless. This week was no exception. Several of Crys’ friends stayed over-night at the house, Stacy and Kristina. At least I assume they were friends of Crys. Lisa checked in, seems she was staying with our friends the Barlows temporarily. Mom notes time with Lisa shopping for furniture and housewares to get her started. Mom spent time going on walks with Irene Richan. She went on a diet and marked some of her weight-loss progress. This week, as always, contained a long list of inside and outside chores.
Dad had a Navy Reserve weekend that week which was followed by starting a round of graveyard shift that Sunday night. Mom spent Sunday at church, choir, doing genealogy, making supper, and watching a little TV. Looking over all Mom and Dad did on any given week I have to say I get exhausted just reading about it. On another day she mentions going for a brisk walk after some gardening, then stopping to visit with ‘Mary’ and another day visiting with Nedra. Someone else reading this will likely know who Mary is. I believe Nedra would be Nedra Green. This combination of working for a living, doing chores to make home-life better, then checking in on others is a pattern that will seem familiar to all of us who knows Mom. She has always been this way. We would do well to try to emulate her.
Let us also not forget Dad who was handling work and chores as well. He put in extra work when he could to bring in a few overtime dollars. The way Thiokol handled things back then was through rotating shifts. Dad would work a month on days, a month on swing, and then a month on graveyard. This rotation went on for him for several decades. On top of that work he served in the Navy Reserve to bring in a few more bucks, and still managed to find some time for us in the family now and then. My time with Dad was usually associated with one work or church project or another. When I was younger in Pennsylvania he would include me going fishing or hunting, though a busy work schedule kept him from that more than he wished. When I was older and we were in Utah I let myself get too distracted with my own life and didn’t go on those excursions like I should have. Missed opportunity.