Crystal started this week with tonsilitis. She had difficulty swallowing pills so Mom had to crush them before she could take the medicine prescription. By mid-week the tests came back, and it wasn’t tonsilitis, but strep throat. Little Jessica was also sick with a fever. Lisa took her to the doctor, and she had an ear infection. Mom also had a soar throat and worried she also had strep. Dad had a different issue. He had been having leg pain, so he went to the doctor that week also.
That same week I went skiing and got a job at Crystal Hot Springs. She didn’t know it yet, but my first day on the job I met Michelle who eventually became my wife. Side note, this week I'm posting this entry will mark our 40th anniversary. I don’t know how Michelle’s managed to keep her sanity. On that Saturday Mom and I went to the temple for a few sessions. Also, at this point Curtis was a more regular part of her notes. That Sunday evening Mom, Dad, Lisa and Curtis played pinochle.