The week started with heavy winds. Mom was afraid she’d get blown off the road on her way to work in their new car. Dad had to get up on the roof and nail down some of the roof shingles. She notes on April 5 that it was the wedding anniversary for both sets of grandparents, Millers 46th and Beaches 53rd. Dad skipped a day of work to paint Dan’s bedroom and fix wind damage to some of the outbuildings. They took several truckloads of junk to the dump. It was all stuff that had blown onto the property during the wind storm.
Over the weekend, Dad helped put some roofing back on the house of one of their friends Mom refers to as “Animal”. It seems Animal lived in Corinne, UT at the time. I assume this was not the Muppet drummer. While Dad helped with Animal’s roof, Mom got a few temple sessions in.