Topic: Prepare for and realize the blessings of the ordinances and covenants available in the house of the Lord.
Assigned conference talks and the specific quotes I pulled from them:
The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ (Renlund, April 2024)
“We become vulnerable when we slow down and especially when we stop. If we maintain spiritual momentum by continually ‘rowing’ toward the Savior, we are safer and more secure because our eternal life depends on our faith in Him.”
“Spiritual momentum is created ‘over a lifetime as we repeatedly embrace the doctrine of Christ.’ Doing so, President Russell M. Nelson taught, produces a ‘powerful virtuous cycle’. Repeatedly means that we experience the elements of the doctrine of Christ over and over throughout our lives. Iteratively means that we build on and improve with each repetition. Even though we repeat the elements, we are not just spinning in circles without a forward trajectory. Instead, we draw closer to Jesus Christ each time through the cycle.”
“As the Holy Ghost exerts a greater influence in our lives, we progressively and iteratively develop Christlike attributes. Our hearts change.”
“To be clear, baptismal and temple covenants are not, in and of themselves, the source of power. The source of power is the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Making and keeping covenants create a conduit for Their power in our lives. As we live according to these covenants, we eventually become inheritors to all that Heavenly Father has.”
Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth (Anderson, April 2024)
“On that sacred occasion in the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet prayed that in the Lord’s holy house, the Saints would be armed with the power of God, that the name of Jesus Christ would be upon them, that His angels would have charge over them, and that they would grow up in the Lord and ‘receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost.’ These powerful supplications are fulfilled in our lives as we faithfully worship in the house of the Lord.”
“As we are faithful, we are blessed with protection from temptations and distractions. We feel our Savior’s love as He lifts us from our difficulties and sorrows. We are armed with the power of God.”
“Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we are filled with peace and joy and unspeakable hope. We receive the strength to remain His disciples even when we find ourselves outside of holy places.”
“There are many different ways to see the face of Christ, and there is no better place than in His holy house.”
Mixed in with these quotes I had a few stories lined up to share. Time kept me from using all the quotes and stories, but here is what was in the hopper.
While visiting two of our children in Utah in late April and early May, we attended the Jordan River temple. Among those we took with us in the form of temple name cards were three I’d like to mention.
First was Sarah Liggett. She was very anxious to have her work done. When I was preparing and printing name-cards her ordinances were added to my list and then printed. I had not actually chosen to add her and print her card, yet it happened. I’m sure she was happy when we went ahead and took her with us.
Next was Emma Dietz. Our daughter Ashley and her husband Ryan took her among others for endowments early in the week. Later, we all attended a sealing session. During that session, Emma was sealed to her parents, husband and daughter. Several people in the room noted the feeling of the Spirit when we completed her ordinances.
Finally, Howard Beach. He is my uncle (my father’s brother). When I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania, Howard was a town cop. For years he’d been in the K-9 group and we got to know his police dog. He finished his career as a city detective. We heard plenty of stories from Howard. I’m sure adults in the family heard more than we kids did. Still more stories likely followed him to his grave unshared. We were able to seal him to my grandparents. I felt the Spirit most strongly for Howard when I had his baptism done in the Washington DC temple a month earlier. I was able to perform the confirmation and felt a spike in the Spirit for the 20 seconds or so it took to confirm him.
At sacrament each week we renew our baptismal covenants in that we say we are ‘willing’ to take upon us His name, meaning to be known as followers of Jesus Christ, members of His church, Christians. In the temple we take His name more directly, not just that we are willing to. I know that I am better at keeping the commandments when I go to the temple. I continue learning new thoughts there, even though I’ve been attending for more than 40 years.
I encourage all our family to keep an up-to-date temple recommend, and to make the time to go. If you don’t have a recommend, consider just visiting the temple grounds and feel the Spirit. You will be showing faith in such a simple act.