The September 14, 2016 edition of RadioWorld posted an interesting interview with Ray Sokola. He is a VP at DTS. That's the company that not too long ago bought Ibiquity. You may already know that Ibiquity is the owner of HD Radio technology. The focus of the interview is on "hybrid radio". That's the phrase gaining traction these days when referring to integration of broadcast radio content with online-delivered content. NPR Distribution has been contributing to the hybrid radio industry effort through a service we call MetaPub.
When Sokola was asked to describe hybrid radio he said it is, "the connection of traditional radio with the internet. This expands the listening experience to take advantage of the best of the past, present and future capabilities that cellular connectivity, the internet, streaming and apps have added to the traditional radio experience. The basic examples start with providing album art and easy purchase capability to a radio experience, but it goes way beyond that and is only limited by our imagination."
With MetaPub we've started with text, graphics and links, but we assume public radio stations and producers will figure out more ways to use metadata over time. Sokola seems to be thinking the same way. "Hybrid radio is a platform for innovation that can be taken anywhere by creating the right connection between the radio, the internet, the rest of the vehicle, the auto manufacturer and the consumer. That, I think, will evolve in many ways."
Encouraging broadcasters to catch up Sokola said, "Radio is the only consumer medium still not fully digital. Consumers have come to expect that all their audio and video entertainment sources will have added features and digital quality. If a radio station can't offer Artist Experience visuals for album art, station logo and advertiser value-added, they are last century's medium in the eyes of today's sophisticated consumer."
Not noted in this article is that DTS recently purchased Arctic Palm. That company/product is one of the middleware tools some of our stations are using to interact with MetaPub.
For the full article go here:
We at NPR Distribution have been getting noticed for our MetaPub efforts. For example:
MetaPub participation in California Shakeout made the front page.