Both our cars are getting up there. Her Subaru is a 2018 and already had a little over 100,000 miles on it. My Jeep is a 2010 and just crossed 195,000 miles on this specific trip to GA. Having cars get up there reminds me of an old truck we had back in the day. We bought it when we lived in CA and I was in the Navy. It was a 1974 Ford F-150. We bought it about 1990 and it was pretty beat up. It lasted until about 1996 while we were moving to NE from CO (yes that's CO and not CA). Suddenly, while we were in the middle of NE and a long way from our final destination in Lincoln, all the electrical went out on it. It drove fine, but night was falling and we had no lights. It was full of household effects as part of our move. We decided to stop and stay in a hotel for the night so we could drive the rest of the way in the daylight the next day. That truck had failed bad once before on a trip with the church young men in CO. There was a crack in the manifold and it blew hot air onto the electrical stuff. We were going from our home in Leadville, CO to Lake Powell in southern UT pulling a sailboat and hauling half a dozen young men. We had to be towed the last 20 miles or so and had the garage near the marina fix it while we spent a few days sailing and camping.
That last story is only the latter half of the trials of that trip. We had a Suburban that we had started the trip with and the engine blew up. It cost about $2000 to repair the Suburban and another $500 to fix the F-150. That was by far the most personally expensive church trip I was ever involved in.
That old F-150 inspired a poem. It was showing its age, and so was I, or so it seemed. It makes me laugh now at nearly 60 to think how in my 30s I thought I was getting old. Thankfully for you I won’t make you suffer through reading the poem. In any case, it’s easy at times to think of all the little things in life that seem burdensome. So I’ll leave you with better language from the Master than I could ever muster.
Matthew 11
28. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.