A testimonial of love and veneration for one who merited and possessed the veneration and love of all by whom he was known one faithful and exemplary in every domestic and social relation in every duty of a Christian: TRAVERS DANIEL, Senr. Born May 26, 1741 – Died June 18, 1824
This marble is erected in affectionate remembrance of the devoted wife, the tender mother, the humble and pious Christian: FRANCES DANIEL, (illegible) Travers Daniel, Senr. (birth and death dates illegible)
Here lies the body of ELIZA TRAVERS DANIEL daughter of Travers and Mildred Daniel who departed this life in her 21 year Oct 29th, 1823 In the hour of death so strong was her faith in the savior of the world that her fondest friends in meditating on what they witnessed forbore to weep at what they lost: they communed with their own hearts and were still.
Bottom Center Grave Stone Text
E.T.D. (for Eliza Travers Daniel)
To the memory of Mrs. MILDRED DANIEL who was born in Charles County, Maryland Feby. 27th 1772 and died in the County of Stafford Virginia, October 17th 1837. She was the widow of TRAVERS DANIEL & daughter of Thomas Stone of Maryland, a signer of the declaration of Independence. Mrs. DANIEL lived and died an exemplary Christian. “Precious in the sight of the Lord in the death of his Saints.” I. Psa. 116:15
“Crow’s Nest”, 3500 acres, was granted to Raleigh Travers in 1665. He married Hannah Ball. Their daughter Sara, aunt of George Washington and great aunt of James Madison, married Peter Daniel, Justice of Stafford County. He was the son of James Daniel and Grandson of Capt. William Daniel, who settled in Middlesex County in 1669. Their son, Travers Daniel, 1741-1824, married Francis Moncure and had eleven children. Among them were:
Raleigh Travers Daniel, 1763-1824, married Mildred Stone, daughter of the signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was twice Attorney General of Virginia and Lt. Governor.
Peter Vivian Daniel, 1784-1813, first married Maria Niven in Scotland, where he had studied medicine. Second, Margaret Stone, sister of his brother’s wife. Their grandson, John Moncure Daniel III was minister to Italy and editor of the Richmond Examiner.
Dr. J.M. Daniel’s third marriage was to Maria Vowles in 1810. Their son, Dr. John Henry Moncure Daniel, 1813-1891, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and married Fenton Mercer Brooke, 1828-1875. Their three sons, John Moncure, Selden Brooke, and Thomas Cushing were born at Crow’s Nest before the home was destroyed during the northern invasion.
Erected by their descendants 2002