This one includes an audio clip from someone at WTOP:
This one comes from someone calling himself a “radio survivor”:
This link is to a site that shows celebrated days all year for many different things. I note they remind us that 20 August was not only National Radio Day, but also National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day:
On the page is a “How To Observe” section:
To celebrate National Radio Day, listen to your favorite radio station and give special recognition to your local radio personalities. Use #NationalRadioDay to post on social media.
Educators, join the National Day Calendar Classroom to get your students involved in National Radio Day with crosswords puzzles, a podcast and more! Every week the classroom offers a variety of lessons and projects to keep children engaged and learning.
It turns out, National Radio Day even has its own Facebook page. Who Knew?
To be sure not to miss it next year I dropped an annual recurring item into my Outlook calendar on 20 August. Radio is an important part of our society and has been for a very long time. We at NPR Distribution play a key role in helping radio stay strong and healthy as an industry. We do this as we help the greater public radio community share national content with local station listeners.
Maybe next year I’ll celebrate with a slice of chocolate pecan pie.